
Tribute to Commander Russell Sylvia

  Transcription Monsieur le Président, En ce mois de novembre, je porte le coquelicot fièrement à mon coeur pour soutenir nos anciens combattants et ceux tombés aux combat afin qu’ils ne soient jamais oubliés. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais rendre hommage à un ancien combattant de mon comté de Longueuil-Charles-LeMoyne, le commandant Russell Sylvia qui nous [...]

2019-06-05T20:34:14-04:000 Comments

Remembering two officer cadets: Brett Cameron and Harrison Kelertas

  Transcription Mr. Speaker, it is with mixed emotions that I speak to members today. On what would normally be a joyous occasion, I am torn. This Thursday, my oldest son is graduating from the Royal Military College. However, the RMC family is also in mourning. Two officer cadets and squadron brothers from [...]

2019-06-05T20:34:15-04:000 Comments

Canada’s contribution to the effort to Combat ISIL

  Transcription Madam Speaker, I am pleased to speak in the House today about Canada's role in the global coalition to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. I am particularly proud to be able to speak about how Canada's new comprehensive integrated and sustainable strategy will become an [...]

2019-06-05T20:34:16-04:000 Comments
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